I'll admit when them Uggs were pretty much on every girl's (and some guys') feet, I was a bit snobbish and thought they were ugly as hell, and wondered why people would pay an arm and a leg for these ugly ass boots. Until I got my feet into one of these heaven like boots, they are seriously like walking on clouds! However, I still don't think they are worth their price tags, so last year I got a pair of fake ones instead. They were $60 and no sheeps were harmed for the making of these boots. They look exactly like Uggs, except that it does not have the Ugg tag in the back (and I don't see why I need to pay 3X as much for that tag)
soon after I got these, the soles wore out. They were exactly the same foamy soles as Uggs, which kind of re-enforced my views that Uggs are not worth their price tags. If I had bought Uggs and this had happened (which it will) I would have been pissed off. So although I understood the comfort of these boots, I resisted in getting a second pair. That is until I found this store in a mall. They are call Flurries. They have Ugg like boots with robber soles instead of the usual foam soles (I don't understand why this is not changed), and the price tag is a bit lower than Uggs. According to their website, the boots are made from real sheep skin and fur. While I feel bad for killing sheeps, it's not like I don't eat lamb (actually I love lamb...). Anyways, These were $180 Canadian after discount (they had a 35% off for their store's grand opening, and the sales lady offered another $5 off, after seeing how indecisive I was haha) After taxes I paid about $200...these are the most expensive shoes I own as of this post, my other pair of boots were $150 pre tax (also on sale), but I suppose it's not that much far off. Enough said..here are some pics.
I love their little sheep logo, it's so adorable :)
don't they look just like Uggs?
closer look at the buttons
so instead of Uggs it's labelled Flurries
So although I still don't get paying so much for Uggs, I love these boots! Until next time live well and shop LOTS!
ok ok, I admit the title of this drama is a bit lame, but I actually did enjoy watching it and quite like the story line. It's basically about these 3 single women who are now 34 and unmarried. Although one of them is quite content with the fact that she is not married. The story is basically based on the love stories of the three women (though more like 2). The drama talks about all the hardship each women needed to concur before getting the happy ending they wanted. I thought it was fairly realistic in that sense. I personally don't really like the whole idea of "happily ever after" because it almost never happens that way. In reality people have to deal with a lot more issues than just the love between two people. The drama also has some side stories as well. It's kind of complicated, but really I only like one couple in this whole drama and they are the main couple.
Park Jin Hee played the female lead Lee Shin Youn. A 34 year old woman who is very career driven and has put love and marriage aside for her own ambitions. Her long term boyfriend broke up with her years ago when she decided to leave the country to study for a couple of years. Suppose she wants to get married, but I really don't see that desperation in her. I think her wanting to get married is more like peer pressure from those around her (and basically the societal view that if you aren't married by 34, you are unwanted). Anyways, so after deciding she is not going to care about marriage anymore, a man (or should I say boy) came into her life.
Kim Bum, who is the reason I watched this show in the first place, played the male lead Ha Min Ja. A 24 year old play boy, beloved by all girls (cause he's so cute). Has a much older mental age due to the broken relationship between his parents. He made a bet with an older brother-like friend that he would be able to woo Lee Shin Youn, but then later ended up falling for her. Yes you heard right, this is about a relationship between two people where the man is younger than the woman by 10 years.
Lee Shin Youn and Ha Min Ja's relationship is basically the main focus of the show, and basically my favourite couple to watch, so I am not even going to bother with the other couples (haha). The main issue was that Lee Shin Youn was a lot older then Ha Min Ja. First of all, Lee Shin Youn had to concur her own fears of being in a relationship with a much younger man. Then she had to fight off the whispers about how she's a cougar. Then there's the mother of Ha Min Ja, who actually got pregnant with Ha Min Ja at the age of 19 and is only 8 or 9 years older then Lee Shin Youn. So needless to say, the mother did not like them dating. I hated the mother's character, not because she was so against the relationship, but mainly because she was a hypocrite. She herself was dating an younger man as well (Lee Shin Youn's ex-boyfriend who is the same age as her). The mother had the gulls to tell Lee Shin Youn not to date her son, while she herself dates a younger man, and yet sees nothing wrong with that...It angered me (cause I hate hypocrites...they should all die!). Anyways, there's really nothing R-rated about this drama (not even 14A) which is kind of disappointing. I'd personally like to see more kiss scenes from Kim Bum (hahaha).
Aside from the leading characters, there was another character that I really liked.
Wang Bit Na who plays Kim Boo Ki in the drama. This picture is from dramawiki, and in my opinion, does not look like her (in the drama) at all. Here's another picture of what she looked like in the drama.
Her character is a very strong headed, free spirited woman. She is also 34 but does not concern herself with marriage. This is of course due to a very very bad experience from a previous relationship. She had been with the guy for 10 years, did everything for him, made his family happy, and did everything a girlfriend could possibly do to make the boyfriend and his family happy. She wash the dishes whenever she goes over to his house, while his family and him would be playing in the living room. Because she was so sick of washing the dishes, she got the family a dishwasher. The next time she visited, she was told the washer had been given out as dowry for the boyfriend's sister, so she continued washing dishes for them. When she hit 30 and they began talking about getting married, the mother of the boyfriend complained about her age and requested for a very long and excessive list of dowries. She rejected the list and refused to marry the boyfriend. And from then on, she had seen that happiness does not come just because you work hard for it. I like her the most mainly cause of her free spirit and the fact that she refuses to give in to the society's ancient views. She's happy being single and that's all she cares about.
There are some stupidness in this drama (as with any other drama, Korean or otherwise). One thing that really bothers me is that when they have problems or misunderstandings, they don't like to talk about it. Instead they like to "try" to hide from each other and pretend nothing is going on (really? does that EVER work?). But I suppose without those stupidness, this show would be about 5 episodes and it'll be done, haha.
I was actually very surprised with the storyline for this show. Simply because in Asian countries, a much older woman dating a much younger man is kind of taboo. Especially a 10 year difference. Taiwan did a show (couple years ago?) around the same subject but I think the guy was only 4 or 5 years younger. Actually even for me 10 years is a big difference. But then, come to think of it, why is it not weird for an older man to date a woman 10 years younger? I think we are all molded by society in one way or another. As much as I'd like to rebel against some of society's views (eg. all women must get married and have kids), I think I am still bound by society's views.
humm..I think I am going in too deep for a simple Korean drama...haha. To end with a lighter note...Kim Bum is so cute! (I know I am older by 6 years, but whatever, he dated someone 10 years older in the show! haha).
Nothing too exciting. The coming of September also means me going back to school, which in turn also means less time for blogging. I've been finding that I am more active with my English blog then my Chinese ones...probably cause English is easier and faster to type in (and as I have mentioned numerous times..I am lazy)
So yes...today's blog is not about anything, basically just me ranting about my boring life and my boring job. Without going into too much detail about what I do, I have a pretty stressful job, and it is indeed a JOB. I thought I could make it a career but through out the 2 and half years I've been doing this job, I find that I cannot coop with the stress, and I don't get paid enough to do what I do and hear what I hear. And so came school. Currently, I am taking courses to get a certificate in legal administrative. If taken full time it takes 8 months (or 2 terms), I unfortunately need rent money so I can only take it part time, and so it's taking me 2 years. After the first year of courses...I find the courses boring and un-challenging. I may still like the work itself (because I like organizing and dealing with papers), but the courses beat some of the stupidest stuff into your head...and when you are sitting beside a confused looking girl in her early 20's, sometimes you really wonder why you are spending money for the course. Nonetheless, I will hang on till the end. My ultimate goal is to get a diploma in paralegal (and no it's not the same). However, I am also planning to take some sewing courses during the summer, and I am so very tempted with make up artistry (which is $$$).
I am 20 something soon to hit the big three O, and yet I have no direction in my life. I suppose that's because since I was little I was always taught not to have dreams. For a while I wanted to be an artist, then my dad told me "you can't eat drawings." and stopped telling me how pretty my drawings were. Then I wanted to do commercial design, dad said, "That's not a university degree!" and so I quit dreaming about fine arts, and got an useless criminology BA, a piece of paper that my dad can show off to relatives with. Except what does that leave me with? I graduated not knowing what the hell I wanted to do...it's been 3 years now, and I still don't know. Now that I think about it...Ever since grade 10 I had no more dreams, my dream was to go to university and that was it...that wasn't even my dream, that was my dad's. I suppose being able to tell people I was the first, and so far the only one, of the family (including extended family with the same surname) to grab a university degree (from a foreign country no less), makes my dad happy. But it didn't do the same for me.
I suppose I lost directionality a long time ago, but am just realizing it now. What can I do? What will I do?
Ahhh, the weathers these days are always messing with my mood...