I know I know, I've promised this mascara blog months ago (not that anyone actually read my blogs LOL). I have been collecting pictures of the mascara swatches, and since they are all waterproof I can't really do it in one day (I'll go blind..although I already am). I shall be breaking these posts down into parts, I am not sure how many parts..but it'll be in parts, as I have wayyyy too many mascaras to write about, and I would like to keep my arm movable.
Let's first start with a little background of my lashes. I have thin, short lashes that points straight down. With my already small Asian eyes, my lashes covering my eye does not help me look more awake, and so came mascara to the rescue! Mascara is the first ever make up item I ever used, and it has stuck with me through out the years. I've tried many many and I mean MANY mascara brands and types. From high end such as Lancome, Anna Sui, and Shisedo to low end drug store brands such as Cover Girl (my ultimate favourite)and Maybelline, to other Asian brands such as Kiss me, T'estimo and Fiberwig. I've threw out a bunch of mascaras and almost never repurchased the same mascara. After testing out soooo many mascaras I have came to the conclusion that high end mascaras are not worth their price, and hence I've never tried ones like Dior Show which supposedly is wonderful. Enough mumbling, here are some pictures of my naked lashes
look at how straight it points downwards. Some days I have issues curling them.
Here they are again, still naked but curled. you can barely see them without mascara LOL
Here are my current collection of mascaras, I kept out a few because I don't use them anymore. I actually have done a blog in Chinese for my previous collection of mascara, and they basically have all changed...LOL

These are all waterproof formula, it's the only kind I can use (otherwise my lashes fall back to it's straight state)
I shall work down the list, from my lest favourite to my most favourite.
Cover Girl Lash Blast Length

I know I said CG is my ultimate favourite brand, but this was an exception. This was a waterproof formula. Having had great experiences with all of the CG mascaras I've used, I had confidence when I purchased this, but was utterly disappointed. Did it give length? yeah it did. But length means nothing unless the curls are held up, which they were not. I don't know what it is about the formula with this one, but it did not hold up my curls.

Aside from making the lashes slightly darker it really does not do much of anything else. I hate this...I can only use it for my under lash.
Next up - Maybelline Colossal

despite it's great reviews on MUA, this smudged like a bitch on me. By the end of the day it looked like I had stayed up for 3 days straight without any sleep. I was curious because of all the great reviews, but again the performance of this fell flat. Mind you, many mascaras do smudge on me, but some of them I am willing to put up with by virtue of the effects of the mascara, this I was not willing to. I don't think it made my lashes "colossal"

It does give length and it does give volume, but I can find other mascaras that gives similar effect without the crazy smudging.
I shall stop here. These 2 are my lest favourites, The other ones I have less issues with. I'll try not to slack and get the reviews up ASAP. Until next time, live well and shop LOTS!