After discovering the wonderfulness that is BB cream, I am hooked!
First, let's start off with some background. BB cream stands for Blemish Balm cream. It's originally formulated for post-laser surgeries to help heal and cover up scars or other blemishes on sensitive skin. It is widely used in Asian countries such as Japan and Korea, and is growing in popularity in Taiwan.
Now some background for me and base make up. I've never liked using foundation or any sorts of base make up, for the longest time I've only used concealer to conceal things I do not like on my face. I've tried tinted moisturizer from Marcel, which did not work for me (not enough coverage). Then I went back to concealer only, but I was pretty much putting concealer all over my face, and it was getting annoying trying to dab on every blemish I have. Then I tried mineral foundation from Everyday Minerals. I liked it until winter hit, and my skin started drying up and flaking. So last year in Dec I finally gave in to liquid foundation and purchased Make-up Forever's Face & Body foundation. It was hella expensive at $42 per bottle, good thing I had a $20 coupon from Sephora, so I only paid $22. I loved the foundation and all, but the Face&Body was quite thin and did not do much coverage of blemishes, it did however, even out my skin tone. Another con was that it floated by the end of the day, on my forehead and where the nose piece of my glasses sits. And so comes the BB cream. I always wondered about BB creams, but never knew where to get them. They aren't very easily available. And BB cream was actually the reason that I got in to internet shopping....so I ordered my first BB cream (L'egere White Multi) from imomoko.com
After discovering BB cream and all it's wonderfulness, I've been venturing out to try different brands. So my newly obtained BB cream is from Skin Food Mushroom Multi.
I won't go into too much about this bb cream, I'll be comparing all of them later on in the post.
suppose it's got 3 different functions: whitening, anti-ageing and sun protection (SPF 20). I don't know about the whitening and anti-ageing functions..it's only been a few weeks.
wish I can read Korean!
sealed up tight, pretty hygienic!
Anyways! on to the topic at hand (after so much bs)...LOL
So these are all the BB creams I own.
It may look like I have 7 different kinds, I actually only have 6. There's a duplicate in there that I did not realize until I started typing up the names of the BB cream (they really need to make the packaging the same...it's all very confusing). The duplicate one is the silver tube and white tube, they are both L'egere White Multi.
Enough with the babbling, here's the list of the bb creams, and my initial (or not so initial) feelings about them.
From left to right, and back row then front row:
1. Skin Food Mushroom Multi
Price: I got this one on Ebay for $13 almost $14, there are also other sellers, the prices are between $13 to $15, the one I saw was the cheapest
volume: 50g
SPF 20
This is the cheapest bb cream I own and my current favourite. The consistency is a bit creamy, but not thick like the L'egere White Multi. It covers pretty well, covering most blemishes, but can't cover big pimples. It's got a pretty noticeable pink undertone to it, which is perfectly fine for me, although I do have a yellow undertone, but since this one is not thick the colour difference is not that big. The only thing that might bother people is the smell of this cream. It's a pretty strong grassy smell, it doesn't bother me that much, but it might bother people who don't like scents. The one I got is shade 2, and I am actually curious about shade 1, suppose it's got a yellow under tone to it, so it might be better for me. But I will resist until I finish most of my bb creams.
2. Skin79 Super+
SPF 25
Price: Again I got this on ebay, I believe almost $15...I don't recall the other seller's prices but definitely nothing over $20
volume: 40g
I got this because my friend, who had purchased the gold label one, told me she liked it. I also saw Jen from from-head-to-toe used it. It was a BIG disappointment! It was soooo grey, I could not use it. It accentuated all my darker areas, like my under eye circle, I looked like crap. I looked like I had used ash to powder my face...it was insane. In the end I was only able to use this product when I mix it with the L'egere White Multi (which has a red undertone), to make a beige colour, that I could finally use. The consistency of this is slightly more watery then the Skinfood or L'egere. The coverage is minimal
3. L'egere White Multi
Price: $19.99USD @ imomoko.com
Volume: 50g
SPF unknown, but sun protection is listed on the bottle as one of the properties
This was my first bb cream I've ever tried. I loved it when I tried it, then as the day got hotter, I felt it was a bit thick..and really it's very white. I feel like a mime sometimes using this product. Straight out of the tube it actually looks dark, but it's not, it's one of the lightest bb creams I own. The coverage is pretty decent, but again it's quit thick. My skin feels uncomfortable under the hot sun.
4. Skin79 Diamond Prestige (1st little jar from the left)
Price: this is not one I purchased, so I am not sure...
Volume: 40g
SPF 25
My friend gave me some of hers to try out. I only used it once, so this is very initial feeling about this product. The consistency is very watery, and there's no much coverage. However, there's also no colour difference that I can see either. If I hadn't tried the Skinfood first, this would have been my next choice. It evens out skin tone, but cant really cover much of anything, which is a problem for me (too many blemishes on my face). It definitely feels the most like a tinted moisturizer.
5. Skin79 Diamond Absolute Total (2nd little jar)
Price: again not one I bought
Volume: 40g
SPF 37
This is another one that my friend gave me, I only used it once too. The consistency is also watery and very very minimal coverage. It's got a slight grey tone to it, but not as bad as the Super+. I don't know if it's because it's so light or because I used so little, there's not much colour difference when I use this. But just with the amount of coverage, I would not pick this one. The only pro for this one I guess would be the high SPF... but that's never a concern for me, as long as it's over 15 I am fine.
6. L'egere Water Drop Shiny Pearl
Price: $19.99USD @ imomoko.com
Volume: 50g
SPF unknown, but sun protection is listed as a property
This one I got from my friend, she got it as a sample from one of her imomoko orders, but didn't want to try it because she didn't like the White Multi. I was also iffy to try this one because of the colour difference for the White Multi, but I was pleasantly surprised. The consistency is watery, and it was pretty easy to blend. It even out the skin tone, with minimal coverage. The only thing I would be worried about is the shimmeriness of this bb cream, I am not one for glowy looking face.
Now that the reviews are all done and over with, on with the pictures!
I compared my bb creams to my Make up Forever Face and Body foundation. The colour is #20 (Ivory) which is my perfect fit, it's slightly slightly pinkish and has a yellow undertone, which is what I have basically.
let's start with straight out of the tube...
I don't know why I decided to squeeze them out so close together...I hope no one is confused with the names lol. And there's one that's not label (the one on the very top right) that's the L'egere White Multi..so please just ignore it =p
this one you can see the shimmers in the L'egere Water Drop, and because they are touching, it looks like the White Multi also has a bit of shimmer, I assure you it doesn't
and at a different angle....the Super+ looks really grey in this picture...why did I even buy it T_T
here they are slightly blended out, you can see the colours better in these
close up
and here they are blended out.
I've circled and label each spot. The top row first
now bottom row. It may seem like the Super+ suits me best, but my arm does not have any dark circles, and it's about 2 shades lighter then my face...so never trust swatches on the arm or hand! always swatch at the jaw line, and you want to match the neck more so then the face. That being said, my neck is SUPER yellow, so I actually try to be one shade lighter than my neck...I don't want to have a yellow face.
And lastly...
here they are on a sheet of blotting paper, to see how much oil each cream has.
from looking with the naked eye, Skin Food and the Super+ seems to be the most oily.
close up. It's amazing how the MUF has NO oil AT ALL!!.
Well! that's it!
This took me a while to post, I was planning to post this last week, but after typing up half of the post and then loosing it...I cried and got lazy..haha. But better late than never right? Enjoy! and I hope this helped you in finding the right BB cream for you :)
until next time, live well and shop LOTS!!
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