Sunday, August 15, 2010

Would you rather....

So today I was browsing youtube and my usual subscriptions and saw this video from xteeener, and the would you rather questions were quite interesting that I wanted to reply, but not do a video haha so I thought I'd blog about it instead...

1. would you rather go out with messy hair and nice make up or nice hair and no make up?
I would go with nice hair and no make up. I actually do sometimes get lazy and go out without make up, but hair is a must for me. A lot of times my bangs are able to hide my face so I don't have to feel naked haha

2. would you rather shave your eyebrows or have your lashes fall out?
I would cry if I have my eyebrows shaved...I think I would rather have my lashes fall out, just because that's a less noticeable thing

3. would you rather be force to shop at only MAC or Sephora for the rest of your life?
I love NARS and there's no NARS at MAC...I think that says it all

4. would you rather wear lip gloss lip liner look or 80's perm?
I actually don't know how to answer this question since I don't wear much lip products (haha) and I do have a perm (not a 80's one though)...I suppose if I have to pick it'd be the lip thing, again hair is too obviously ugly, and it's more permanent than the lip thing

5. would you rather leave the house with an obvious foundation line or over-done blush?
I think over done blush is wayyy better then the foundation thing, sometimes people do over-done blush as an affect.

6. would you rather wear MC hammer pants or biker shorts in public?
I think biker shorts...that's less vomit inducing then MC hammer pants (IMO)

7. would you rather have a bad orangey spray tan or a weird tan line you cannot cover?
I am ganna have to go with the tan line...cuz I already have weird tan lines that I can't cover (this is what happens when I get lazy with sunscreen)... I cannot stand orangey spray tan...and once again that would be wayyy more obvious

8. would you rather have a bad hair cut or bad hair colour?
Bad hair colour, then I can just colour it again. I had orange hair one point cuz my stylist grabbed the wrong formula, and gave me orange hair. I waited a week and coloured it burgundy red, my hair was still fine. Bad hair cuts are a no in my book

9. would you rather have youtube or tweeter taken away forever?
This is an easy question for me, tweeter I don't use it at all haha. Plus without youtube where am I going to find make up tutorials?

10. would you rather give up using make up brushes or mascara?
This is another no brainer for me. I would rather give up using brushes, I can as easily using my fingers or qutips, where as mascara is irreplaceable (plus I am a mascara whore haha)

well that's it...thought I'd share. This is a tag video/blog, but I don't like tagging and plus not many people read my blog XD so I won't bother with that.

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