Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Reminisce about the old university days

So on a day that I decided to be healthy and go to the gym at my old university (Simon Fraser University), where I get cheaper membership because I am an alumni. Well, long story short, the gym building was closed due to a power outage. So I decided to walk around the school, climb some stairs so I feel less guilty about all the junk food I have consumed in recent weeks. Then, I decided to take some pictures and reminisce about my old university years (to think just a few years ago I was reminiscing about highschool sure feels great to be old *NOT*).

So here are some pictures I took. I took them with my crappy camera on my phone, so the quality isn't that great.

Here's the famous AQ building (standing for Academic Quadrant). It's possibility the stupidest building I have ever been into. It's basically the outline of a giant square, if you get into the building on one side and your class room is on the other, you'll have to walk all the way around the building to get to your classroom. However! It's what SFU is famous for (it's on our student card!). On the ground floor there's a pond in the middle of the field, with panels of cement laid out in the middle of the pond. We walk through this during our convocation. I always wonder if anyone stepped into the pond while walking, especially during the winter convocations (we are up in the mountains and it can get really foggy), since the cement panels aren't laid in a straight path, but curves around (as you may be able to tell in the picture). During the winter the pond freezes over. During exam times, there will be angry students throwing chairs into the frozen pond.

Here's a statue of Terry Fox. Possibility the most famous person from SFU. He planned to run across Canada with one amputated leg in an effort to raise money for cancer research (reason why he lost his leg). Sadly, he did not make it, he had to stop at Thunder Bay (he started from Newfoundland) He passed away in 1981 at the age of 22. Till today we still have the Terry Fox run all across Canada (I remember running it when I was in elementary, not knowing why).

On the way to the bus loop. I walked this strip everyday for 4 years. I've always loved how green and clean SFU is. No offence to UBCers, but I find the UBC campus messy at certain parts, especially the year when I was visiting UBC a lot (ex was a student there), there was construction everywhere, I hated it =p.
This is the new CASS building that I was not able to use, because it had just finished building the semester after I graduated. This was the new building for the Arts and Social Science faculties, including criminology (my major), with new forensic courses (my favourite), needless to say, I was pretty disappointed (and pissed at the same time).

Here's a closer look. Originally it was going to be call the Arts and Social Sciences Complex, then they realized what that would look like in an acronym (ASSC) and you just know what university students will start calling it (the ASS complex). So they put the C in front of the ASS (Complex of the Arts and Social Sciences). Too bad word leaked out of the original name, and we (at lest people I knew) all called it the ASS building (and giggle afterwards lol). But look how pretty it is!!!
Bus stop that I've waited buses at for 4 years. I could take almost all of the buses that goes up the mountain, but I usually take the 135 (less crowded and faster)
The cornerstone building. This is also a new build, but it wasn't for school it was for living in (I believe a 2bedroom 700 sq ft is about 300k)

It's actually a nice building, I wouldn't have mind living there while I was in school (or if I work at the school)

This is the entrance to the school. I was on the bus while taking this, so I couldn't get an up front picture.

Here's a closer look. The weird looking "roof" it's not unfinished, it's been like that for years. That's where our convocation court is (also where we have our convocation, hence the name). And the roof basically look like an unfinished roof of a building, but it's actually finished.

Another look at other buildings..I believe this is the library.

And what does mountains have most? TREES! they are everywhere. I can't even get a picture of the mountain view because of the trees.

here's the Production Station Skytrain Station, with the skytrain coming in. This station was built a year or two before I graduated
And I am done reminiscing. So that was where I spent 4 years of my life. Probably the most exhausting time in my life. Where I had to regularly stay up till 10 in the morning rushing to finish a paper due the same day (but I can't really blame anyone but myself for being a procrastinator) I recall during my last semester, the last final exam I had (EVER!) I stayed up till 10 in the morning cramming, went to school, took the exam, then went to work right after, staying up a full 38 hours before I actually got any sleep. Now that I think about it, I can't believe I did that, and I can't believe I graduated! But really...I miss school a lot, even the staying up part.

1 comment:

  1. I miss school too!

    You captured the depressing concreteness of SFU. LOL.
